Im Rahmen des Jour Fixe ist Dr. Monika Bakke, Associate Professor an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, zu Gast an der BURG und stellt ihre Arbeitsfelder vor.
- is living/nonliving divide obsolete?
- immortality of minerals
- mineral origins of life
- metabolic flow of rocks
Monika Bakke is Associate Professor in the Philosophy Department at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. She writes on contemporary art and aesthetics with a particular interest in posthumanist, transspecies and gender perspectives. She is the author of Bio-transfigurations: Art and Aesthetics of Posthumanism (2010, in Polish) and Open Body (2000, in Polish) co-author of Pleroma: Art in Search of Fullness (1998), and editor of Australian Aboriginal Aesthetics(2004, in Polish), Going Aerial: Air, Art, Architecture (2006) and The Life of Air: Dwelling, Communicating, Manipulating(2011). From 2001 till 2017 she was working as an editor of a Polish cultural journal Czas Kultury [Time of Culture].
Die Veranstaltung findet am Dienstag, 23. Januar 2018 um 18.15 Uhr im Seminarraum der Burg Bibliothek, Neuwerk 7, Campus Design, Neuwerk 7, 06108 Halle (Saale) statt. Gäste sind willkommen.
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