Am Dienstag, den 19. November 2019, 18 Uhr findet der Jour Fixe mit Sol Calero zum Thema „Latin identity“ statt. Ort: Raum 103/104, Villa, Neuwerk 7, 06108 Halle (Saale)

Sol Calero’s draws on the complex political and social histories behind the construction of Latin idendity. The domestic or social spaces that are invoked by Calero’s installations allow the artist to address the transportation of the specific to the general. Borrowing from sources as varied as Neo-Concretism, 19th and 20th century geopolitical policy, marginalized figures from Latin popular culture and contemporary forms of social organization affords Calero a wealth of sources with which to approach the peculiar constellation of seductions.

Sol Calero was born in Caracas, Venezuela in 1982. 2017 she has been nominated for the Preis der Nationalgalerie at the Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin and has shown her work nationally and internationally in many art institutions and galleries.

Die Veranstaltung findet am Dienstag, 19. November 2019 um 18 Uhr im Raum 103/104, Villa, Campus Design, Neuwerk 7 statt. Gäste sind willkommen. Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei, eine Anmeldung nicht erforderlich.