Material of the Month: Recycled Leather

by 22. May 2018


Our next Material of the Month is a new type of leather material called “RELEA”. The material is made of recycled leather scrap for applications in fashion, furniture, products, crafts and more. – Designer Thomas Beck will be presenting the material and provides BURG students (free) material samples for experimentation.

Course: Make Your Own Sketchbooks (Continued)

· by 2. May 2018

Binde deine eigenen Skizzenhefte in der Materialsammlung

Wir gehen in die zweite Runde. Auch dieses Semester hast du wieder die Möglichkeit einen Workshop in der Materialsammlung mitzumachen.

Im Kurs kannst du deine eigenen Skizzenhefte mit einer einfachen Fadenbindung herstellen. Gleichzeitig lernst du die Materialsammlung kennen und kannst die verschiedenen Materialien in dein Buch ‘einbinden’.

Mitbringen solltest du:
– Papierreste
– Cutter
– Schneidunterlage (falls vorhanden)
– Ahle, Vorstecher (falls vorhanden)
– Schere
– Nadel

Melde dich bei Valena an, wenn du Interesse hast: valena.ammon(at)
Teile uns mit, wann du kommen möchtest. Die Kurse finden statt am Mittwoch 16.5 und am Donnerstag 17.5 jeweils von 16 bis 18 Uhr

Wir freuen uns auf dich!
das MAKE. Team

Workshop: The Sound of Material

· by 23. April 2018


Material Snack: Design with Grind Competition

· by 23. April 2018

Update: Precious Plastic @ BURG

· by 17. February 2018

preciousplastic_germany_burg_halle_community(Photo: Precious Plastic Community Map)

Dear all, after an intensive workshop week (see Instagram Takeover) with a dozen skilled art and design students, MAKE. is happy to announce that some first experiments with a fully functional Injection Molder took place. The Extrusion and Shredder machines are nearly finished and will be available soon. Many thanks to all participants and supporters for helping us in making this real!

Workshop participants and helpers:
Radha Diaz Hublitz, Kyoungmi Ryou, Benjamin Volk, Sophie Kurzer, Fritz Rahne, Tony Beyer, Alexander Rex, Bernhard Elsässer, Max Gruber, Sandro Wiegand, Ludwig Stadler, Moritz Wussow, Jasmin Zehe, Jakob Klug, Johannes Schellenberg, Nora Kühnhausen, Paula Raché, Pavel Majrych, Hartmut Hermann, Jörg Hansel, Tareq Alghamian, Michael Krenz, Lorenz Ebersbach, Aart van Bezooijen (in random order).

PS: Do keep collecting precious plastics (we love clean PET, PE, PP, ABS and PLA scrap) for the upcoming summer semester.

Lecture: Precious Plastic by Katharina Elleke

· by 6. February 2018


Workshop: Precious Plastic Factory @ BURG

· by 10. January 2018

Dear all, we are super-excited about the upcoming Wintersession! – Why? We are getting serious in creating our own Plastic Recycling Factory. This project will be part of the Precious Plastic initiative started earlier by Dave Hakkens (see video), a Dutch designer who turns wasted plastics into a global network of serious recyclers. If you want to join the team and start your own first plastic experiments – then read more here and apply at make(at)burg-halle(dot)de

PS: Also make sure you save the date for the lecture on 13.2.2018 by Katharina Elleke from the Precious Plastic team in Germany (read more).
precious_plastic_make_workshop_burghalle(Photo: Precious Plastic Machines – Dave Hakkens)

Best Wishes for 2018

· by 22. December 2017

Best Wishes from all of us at MAKE. – Aart, Benno, Lorenz, Michael, Ulrike and Valena

Materials: styrofoam (base), wood (lettering), salt (surface) from Saline Halle
Prototyping: Michael Krenz and Oliver Reinecke
Video: Aart van Bezooijen

Material Snack: Lecture on Lightweight Materials

· by 12. December 2017






Course: Make Your Own Sketchbooks

· by 23. November 2017





Make your own sketchbooks at the Burg Material collection

In this course, we help you to create your own thread stitched booklet. While doing this, you’ll get to know the Material Collection a little bit better and can “capture” several materials within your own sketchbook.

Please bring your own: Paper leftovers, Cutter, Cutting mat (when available), Stitching awl (when available), Scissors, Needle

Course Dates
13.12. – Wednesday from 16:00 –18:00 (Booked out)
14.12. – Thursday from 16:00 –18:00 (Booked out)

Participation is free of charge.
Registrations via: make(at)

Binde deine eigenen Skizzenhefte in der Materialsammlung

Im Kurs kannst du deine eigenen Skizzenhefte mit einer einfachen Fadenbindung herstellen. Gleichzeitig lernst du die Materialsammlung kennen und kannst die verschiedenen Materialien in dein Buch ‘einbinden’.

Mitbringen solltest du: Papierreste, Cutter, Schneidunterlage (falls vorhanden), Ahle/Vorstecher (falls vorhanden), Schere, Nadel

13.12. – Mittwoch 16:00 –18:00 (Kurs voll)
14.12. – Donnerstag 16:00 –18:00 (Kurs voll)

Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei.
Anmeldung unter: make(at)

Project photography: Benno Brucksch, Valena Ammon