Trees of Trash – Workshop und Ausstellung im GRASSI Museum

by 20. November 2017


Im GRASSI Museum für Angewandte Kunst Leipzig findet am 3. Dezember 2017 ein besonderer Workshop statt: Bereits zum zweiten Mal können Burg-Studierende und Museumsbesucherinnen und –besucher mithilfe von Materialresten, Überbleibseln oder Artefakten, die wiederverwendet oder umgenutzt werden, den Weihnachtsbaum auf künstlerische Art und Weise neu interpretieren.

Der Workshop wird geleitet von Aart van Bezooijen, Professor für Material- und Technologievermittlung der BURG. Die individuellen Trees of Trash sind ab dem 4. Dezember 2017 im GRASSI Museum zu sehen und können gegen eine Spende erworben werden. Im Vorjahr kamen so knapp 500 Euro für den Hilfsfond ausländischer Studierender der Kunsthochschule zusammen.

Der Trees of Trash-Workshop gehört zum Rahmenprogramm des diesjährigen Museums-Jubiläums: Das GRASSI Museum für Angewandte Kunst feiert am 3. Dezember zehn Jahre Wiedereröffnung und lädt zu Rundgängen, Präsentationen, Führungen, Gesprächen und Mitmach-Aktionen ein. Der Workshop ist eine Initiative des Burg-Programms MAKE. – Plattform für Material und Technologie Transfer.

Ort: GRASSI Museum für Angewandte Kunst Leipzig, Johannisplatz 5-11, 04103 Leipzig
Uhrzeit: 10:30 – 17:00 Uhr

Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei.
Anmeldung unter make(at)

Links: Siehe auch Facebook (event) und Instagram (#treesoftrash)
#treesoftrash #burghalle #grassimak #buynothing #makesmthng

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Halle Karton

Archiv: Trees of Trash 2016

Exhibition: “Mastering the Material” at Dutch Design Week 2017

· by 21. October 2017


Material Snack: Lecture on Innovative Concrete

· by 20. October 2017


Glass Design Competition

· by 10. October 2017


The Harzkristall Glass Manufacturing Company (Glasmanufaktur Harzkristall) in Derenburg is hosting its second Glass Design Competition for young design students studying in Europe. Besides a bit of money, winners have the opportunity to spend two weeks of working with the glass makers on site. For more information, download the briefing below or read more here.

Download: Full Briefing (in German)
Deadline: 15. December 2017

Save the Date: Workshop Instruction Movie (Update)

· by 2. October 2017

Reminder! If you want to work in the Burg Workshops this Semester (2017/2018) it is required to see the latest Workshop Instruction Movie.

Therefore, make sure you attend one of these dates:
– Thursday 05.10.2017 – at 08:00 at the auditorium (Hörsaal)
– Tuesday 10.10.2017 – at 08:00 at the auditorium (Hörsaal)
… and bring some strong coffee…

More information about our university workshops at

Workshops: Hot Stuff and Smart Materials – this September

· by 18. July 2017

(Glasmanufaktur Harzkristall – MAKE.)

(Memory Metal Prototype – Paula van Brummelen)

At the upcoming Summer School (also known as Herbstsession) we are offering two workshops for BURG art and design students. MAKE. is very proud to collaborate with Sebastian Richter (BURG – Image Space Object Glass) hosting our first glassblowing workshop at the Glasmanufaktur Harzkristall – Hot Stuff! We also invited Paula van Brummelen (weißensee academy of art berlin) to discover the artistic qualities of memory metals through hands-on experiments during a three day workshop on Smart Materials.

For more information and registrations, please visit:
Herbstsession 2017: Hot Stuff – Glassworkshop
Herbstsession 2017: Smart Materials for Dummies

Deadline for registration: 02-08-2017

Enjoy the summer break – see you in September!

100% Paper – Making of…

· by 15. July 2017

Burg Annual Exhibition 2017

· by 13. July 2017


 Burg Material – 100% Paper Experiments with Stone Paper Street art with Corn-Based Bricks BURGVELO 2.0

Dear Makers. We’re looking forward to this weekend’s Burg Annual Exhibition – also known as Jahresausstellung. MAKE. will be presenting four projects this year. Firstly, we are more than happy to present the first publication by the Burg Material collection with the title Burg Material – 100% Paper. The results of our “Material of the Month” program featuring experiments with Stone Paper and a street art competition with Corn-Based Bricks. Finally, we have been working with a group of young design students to bring our university’s BURGVELO cargo bikes to the next level. All this is probably only 0,01% of what there is to see. In short, during these two exhibition days BURG is definitely place to be for all art and design lovers. – PS: Are you far and away? Then follow us at Instagram or Twitter.

Material Snack: Summer School by ThermHex

· by 20. June 2017

2017_06_27 MATERIAL SNACK THERMHEXThermHex is a company based in Halle (Saale) with a clever way of manufacturing of honeycomb sandwich materials. Tuesday 27th, they will tell us more about their upcoming Innovation Summer School (24.–29.09.2017) focused on furniture design. Burg students, graduates and young startups – feel very welcome to join this short update at the materials collection!

Material of the Month: Corn-Based Brick (Competition)

· by 15. June 2017


MAKE. invites you to the “MAKE. A LITTLE SPACE, MAKE. A BETTER PLACE” competition. We are offering some 25,000 corn-based bricks that stick together if you moisten them lightly. This corn-based foam is biodegradable and dissolves in water.

Which place of town would you like to transform? Those empty houses, never-ending construction sites or grey walls? Join us in making Halle more colourful – and send photos of your intervention to: make (at)

Don’t forget to include your name(s) and title of your work to participate in the competition. The street art experts from the Freiraumgalerie are supporting us to select the award winning entries.

These colorful corn-based bricks are available for all students as long as our stock lasts.
Please help yourself at the Villa Foyer (Neuwerk 7) or at the Burg Mensa (Seebener Straße 1).

A few important facts:
Deadline for your photos: 09.07.2017
Awarding during “Jahresausstellung
Jury: Freiraumgalerie