von Jey Yang
MA Conceptual Fashiondesign im Sommersemester 2021

von Jey Yang
MA Conceptual Fashiondesign im Sommersemester 2021
Moving or destroying any boundary creates another new boundary. And this is the meaning of my topic. This theme started with a slight interest in things. Boundaries exist everywhere in our daily life.
When we usually recognize objects, we realize a cup as itself or a book as a book. But they also have their outlines.
And even if it is invisible to the human mind, boundaries can exist.
It can also mean your limits or promises.
I was interested in the outlines of these objects or any boundaries that could exist even in thought. And I was intrigued by how or when those boundaries change or disappear. Furthermore, I tried to interpret how boundaries can be expressed in the realm of design. So boundaries, as I've interpreted them, can exist anywhere, move, be destroyed, or even annihilated.
I did various experiments on each outfit based on these boundary characteristics. As a method, experiments were mainly carried out with the outlines of the body and clothes. Or, I designed with common sense or rules like the way we usually think of making clothes.
And when designing, I tried to express feelings of distortion, confusion, and discomfort through pattern transformation, digital printing, or translucent fabrics. Furthermore, through this collection, I wanted to present a new design point of view.
Betreut von Vertretungsprofessorin Jutta Klingel (Kollektion) und Bianca Koczan (schriftliche Arbeit)