Die 16. ELIA Biennial Conference findet vom 17. - 20. November digital statt. Die BURG lädt alle ihre Studierenden und Lehrenden ein, aktiv an der Konferenz teilzunehmen.

Die 16. ELIA Biennial Conference findet vom 17. - 20. November digital statt. Die BURG lädt alle ihre Studierenden und Lehrenden ein, aktiv an der Konferenz teilzunehmen.
Expand your thinking. Embrace new ideas, new concepts, look towards what is NEW, that manifests at the edges or interfaces between traditional disciplines — be it arts, sciences, or everyday life. Consider ‘in-between’ spaces — virtual or physical — where we as academics, artists, or creatives can invent, innovate, compose, and create. Let us investigate the limits of our doing and test boundaries between different worlds while at same time, shaping and reflecting on our practices. By exploring the limits, we are expanding the arts.
The ELIA Biennial 2020 is dedicated to examine new crossovers and collaborations between the most diverse disciplines in art, science, and society, both inside and outside the walls of academies and universities. Today, thinking and reflecting across disciplines has become a ‘must’. In this context, transdisciplinarity in the arts goes beyond breaking down silos between artistic disciplines as different as design and music. It raises the question of how arts and creative practices can collaborate with other fields to come up with innovative solutions and new formats. The concept of transdisciplinarity appears as a form of cooperation that can lead to innovative perspectives, questions, and solutions.
Transitioning from STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) to STEAM is a current topic in the policy agenda. Integrating perspectives of arts and design into the classical STEM canon could offer new solutions to the ecological, economic, social, and cultural challenges of the future.
The ELIA Biennial 2020 wants to relate these developments to the reality of higher arts education institutions.
Leading questions:
ELIA is a globally connected European network that provides a dynamic platform for professional exchange and development in higher arts education. With over 250 members in 47 countries, it represents some 300.000 students in all art disciplines.
Die BURG ist Mitglied von ELIA und ermöglicht allen ihren Studierenden und Lehrenden kostenfreien Zugang zur Konferenz. Sie können aktiv teilnehmen, das beinhaltet Live Keynotes, Workshops, Präsentationen, Live Chats, Morning energisers etc. Auch die Teilnahme von Gruppen oder Seminaren im Rahmen der Student Engagement Sessions ist möglich.
Bitte melden Sie sich formlos über Ihre BURG-Mail bei tdrahkruB araS .rD .forP (Kontaktperson ELIA), Sie erhalten die Infos zur Anmeldung.
Anmeldeschluss ist der 10. November!
ELIA Biennial (Digital) Conference 2020
Website mit Programm
Bitte melden Sie sich formlos über Ihre BURG-Mail bei tdrahkruB araS .rD .forP (Kontaktperson ELIA), Sie erhalten die Infos zur Anmeldung.
Anmeldeschluss ist der 10. November!