1960 Born in Fürth. 1977–1980 Apprenticeship as technical draughtsman at Grundig. 1988–1993 Mechanical engineering course at Technische Hochschule Nürnberg, degree in Engeneering. 1993–1996 Capital Goods Design course at the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design. 1996/97 Guest professor IDAS Seoul/South Korea. 1997–1999 Artistic assistance at the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design. 1999–2001 Professor at the National University of Tsukuba/Japan. 2000–2002 Japan correspondent for Form online. Since 2003 Professor at BURG, Design Faculty. 2014 to 2022 Rector of BURG. Research projects with Fraunhofer Gesellschaft IAO and the Institute for Kansei Engineering and Industrial Design, Tsukuba/Japan. With own firm eDesign, consulting companies on inter-cultural issues and designs for capital goods and products in the areas of public communication, tooling machines, medical and laboratory technology, sports and household and skin care.

ZUKÜNFTE – Material und Design von Morgen