Information for students

Students  can look up their marks and ECTS points online; however, for security reasons this can only be done from computers on the university network

What is OPAL?

OPAL is the acronym for Online PrüfungsAnmeldung und Leistungsübersicht (Online Exam Registration and Performance Overview)

How does OPAL work? 

Step 1:
Go to the  OPAL homepage and click “Zutritt über verschlüsselte Verbindung (Access using encrypted connection)”.

Step 2:
You will be asked for your login and password.Login: Enter the first part of your Burg e-mail address.Example: If your Burg e-mail address is: ed.ellah-grub@4321ts, then your login is: st1234Password: Enter the same password that you use when accessing your Burg e-mail.

Step 3:
Click the “Notenspiegel (List of marks)” link and then select your course. The course element overview that follows can be saved as a PDF (Acrobat Reader) document using the link provided.

Step 4:
Once you have accessed your marks, please logout properly from the system using “Abmelden (Logout)” and, where necessary, empty the browser cache.

Who can help with technical problems?

If you have technical problems or questions, you can contact the following person:
Michael Spindler, Telephone +49(0)345 7751-914, ed.ellah-grub@reldnips
Constructive suggestions for improvements are also welcome.

If you have questions regarding your marks and ECTS points, please contact the Examinations
Office directly:
Frau Pastjan, Telefon +49(0)345 7751-536
Frau Stolte, Telefon +49(0)345 7751-535

All data has been entered to the best of our knowledge and is intended to provide you with an overview of your achievements so far. However, the Examination Office reserves the right to make corrections to data. A binding transcript of marks will be provided by the Examinations Office at the end of your course or when required (e.g. for the BAföG office or in the case of transfer to another university).

Other functions such as registration for and withdrawal from examinations are being expanded gradually.


There is no Login needed.

Re-registration for the summer semester 2025 will take place in the following period:

01 January - 28 February 2025

The same dates apply for students who wish to take a leave of absence or intend to change degree programme and/or university.

The form is available here. The input fields can be filled in directly on the computer in Acrobat Reader (download; please do not fill in directly in the browser). Please print out the form and sign it. Then photograph or scan the signed form (e.g. with your smartphone) and send it by e-mail to ed.ellah-grub@gnudlemkceur.

Germany semester ticket (Deutschlandticket)

The ‘Deutschlandsemesterticket’ will also be available at BURG in the winter semester 2024/25. Like the semester ticket, it works according to the principle of solidarity, applies to all students and is therefore compulsory.

In addition to the semester fee of EUR 90 and the student body fee of EUR 8, an amount of EUR 176.4 will be requested when you re-register.

The student ID card is no longer valid as a ticket. The digital ticket is required. The ‘Studentenwerk’ will provide information on this on an ongoing basis.

A customised solution must be found for students without a smartphone. Creating the ticket manually will take more time, as no automated processes can be used upstream. Very long waiting times are to be expected at the HAVAG Service Centre Escalator. We expect a processing time of 3 working days.

All questions and answers about the Deutschlandsemesterticket can be found on the HAVAG website:

Loss of student ID card

If you lose your student ID card, please pay a fee of EUR 10.30 at the post office at Neuwerk 7. The Office of Student Affairs will then contact the Computer Centre and let you know as soon as the new card is available. This can then be collected from the Student Administration Centre.

If there was a credit balance on your card, please take the new card to the Harzmensa card centre. There the credit can be transferred to the new card.

Payment of the semester fee

The semester fee is paid by direct debit as part of the re-registration process. This requires a basic direct debit mandate signed by the account holder. The direct debit is collected via existing mandates. The fee will be collected 7 days after receipt of the advance information. A new mandate must be created if the details change. Please contact the Enrolment Office for this.

If the amount due cannot be debited, e.g. due to insufficient funds in the account, a processing fee of EUR 10 and the chargeback fee of the respective bank will be charged.

Exemption from payment is possible in the case of a severe disability (semester ticket fee) or a leave of absence (full semester fee). Please contact the Enrolment Office ed.ellah-grub@najtsap .

In the event of proper de-registration or cancellation of enrolment before the start of the semester for which it was paid, the refund of the semester fee can be requested from the Enrolment Office by 31 October for the winter semester and 30 April for the summer semester at the latest.

If an application for exmatriculation is submitted during the current semester, HAVAG can refund the semester ticket fee on a pro rata basis. In this case, please contact the HAVAG Service Centre with the signed and stamped certificate of exmatriculation.

HAVAG is the sole point of contact for questions regarding the use and partial reimbursement of the semester fee.

The legal basis for the collection or reimbursement of the student union fee and the fee for the MDV semester ticket is the current version of the student union fee regulations.

Contact person for questions: Mrs Elena Pastjan, phone: +49(0)345-7751-536, ed.ellah-grub@najtsap .

Semester ticket (replaced by the Germany semester ticket in summer semester 2024)

The semester ticket was introduced at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle in the 2017/18 winter semester. BURG students voted on this in a ballot and decided in favour by a large majority. As the semester ticket is based on the principle of solidarity, it applies to all students and is compulsory. From October 2017, students will be able to use the S-Bahn, train, tram and bus throughout the MDV area around the clock (Info MDV; Info MDV engl.)). The validated student ID serves as the ticket.

Information on the semester ticket can be found on the HAVAG and Studentenwerks' websites.

Extension of the standard period of study

For students who were enrolled in the winter semester 2021/22 and/or in the summer semester 2021 and/or in the winter semester 2020/21 and/or in the summer semester 2020, the standard period of study will be extended by one semester in each case.

This has an impact on BAföG payments in particular, which may be granted for longer. You can find out more details from the 'Studentenwerk'.

The individual standard period of study is shown on the enrolment certificates.

Department of Design

  • BA registration: from 13 January to 17 January 2025 digitally or in person during the opening hours of the Student Information Centre.
  • BA registration form can be downloaded here or printed out from Ms Stolte, Student Information Centre.
  • The application for admission to the Bachelor's final examination will be submitted digitally or during the opening hours of the Student Information Centre to Ms Stolte, Examination Office, in the week from 01 April to  04 April 2025. Please download the form and send it by e-mail or in person to the professor for signature. The signed and completed document must then be submitted to Ms Stolte by email (ed.ellah-grub@etlots) or in person.
  • BA admission form can be downloaded here.
  • Master's registration: by 01 February 2025; MA registration form A3 format for download (only in exceptional cases). Please collect the original form from Ms Stolte at the Examinations Office.

Department of Art

  • Application for admission to the diploma examination: Diploma application form
  • Submission of the completed application form by 31 March 2025
  • Master's application for Art Studies: MA registration form for download
  • Submission of the completed application by 28 February 2025

In this section you will find the current study and examination regulations, the curricula of all degree programmes and the official journal issues.

Department of Design

Department of Art

Official journal issues of Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle ('Amtsblatt')

  • Amtsblatt 4/2024 (PDF), Amtsblatt 5/2024 (PDF), Amtsblatt 6/2024 (PDF)
  • Amtsblatt 3/2024 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2/2024 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2024/1 (PDF)
  • Amtsblatt 2023/4 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2023/3 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2023/2 (PDF)
  • Amtsblatt 2023/1 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2022/5 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2022/4 (PDF)
  • Amtsblatt 2022/3 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2022/2 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2022/1 (PDF)
  • Amtsblatt 2021/4 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2021/3 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2021/2 (PDF)
  • Amstblatt 2021/ 1 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2020/6 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2020/5 (PDF)
  • Amtsblatt 2020/4 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2020/3 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2020/2 (PDF)
  • Amtsblatt 2020/1 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2019/4 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2019/3 (PDF)
  • Amtsblatt 2019/2 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2019/1 (PDF); Amtsblatt 2018/4 (PDF)
  • Amstblatt 2018/3 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2018/2 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2018/1 (PDF)
  • Amtsblatt 2017/4 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2017/3 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2017/2 (PDF)
  • Amtsblatt 2017/1 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2016/3 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2016/2 (PDF)
  • Amtsblatt 2016/1 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2015/3 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2015/2 (PDF)
  • Amtsblatt 2015/1 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2014/2 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2014/1 (PDF)
  • Amtsblatt 2013/4 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2013/3 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2013/2 (PDF)
  • Amtsblatt 2013/1 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2012/5 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2012/4 (PDF)
  • Amstblatt 2012/3 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2012/2 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2012/1 (PDF)
  • Amstblatt 2011/4 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2011/3 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2011/2 (PDF)
  • Amtsblatt 2011/1 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2009/1 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2008/2 (PDF)
  • Amtsblatt 2008/1 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2007/3 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2007/2 (PDF)
  • Amtsblatt 2007/1 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2006/4 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2006/3 (PDF)
  • Amtsblatt 2006/2 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2006/1 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2005/5 (PDF)
  • Amtsblatt 2005/4 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2005/3 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2005/2 (PDF)
  • Amtsblatt 2005/1 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2004/2 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2004/1 (PDF)
  • Amtsblatt 2003/1 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2002/1 (PDF), Amtsblatt 2001/1 (PDF)

Fachbereich Design

Das Bachelor-Studium ist modular aufgebaut und gliedert sich in fünf Modulbereiche.

  • Entwerferische Kompetenz, EK
    Fachbezogene Grundlagen, Komplexes Gestalten
    Industriedesign, Innenarchitektur, Kommunikationsdesign, 
    Multimedia|VR-Design, Modedesign
  • Bezugswissenschaftliche Kompetenz, BK
    Natur- und Technikwissenschaften, Präsentations- und Darstellungstechniken
  • Gestalterische und künstlerische Kompetenz, GK
    Bildnerische Grundlagen und erweitertes Naturstudium
  • Wissenschaftliche Kompetenz, WK
    Designwissenschaften, Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
  • Interdisziplinäre, gesellschafts- und marktbezogene Kompetenz, IK
    Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fächer

Fachbereich Kunst

Die Lehrangebote im Fachbereich Kunst sind geordnet nach:

  • Malerei/ Grafik
  • Plastik
  • Kunstpädagogik/ Kunst (Lehramt)
  • Bildnerische Grundlagen Kunst
  • Kunstwissenschaften, WK (siehe Fachbereich Design)

University fees

There are no fees for studying at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle. This applies for a course of study up to the first professional qualification and for an advanced course of study that leads to a further professional qualification.

Long-term fees

As a result from a change of the Higher Education Act in 2020, there are no longer Long-term fees since winter-term 2020/21.

Seit dem Wintersemester 2014/15 übt die BURG ihr Promotionsrecht im Fachbereich Design aus.

Mehr Informationen zum Promotionsverfahren finden Sie in der Promotionsordnung des Fachbereichs Design

Antrag auf Annahme als Doktorand*in am Fachbereich Design

Antrag auf Zulassung zum Promotionsverfahren am Fachbereich Design

Seit dem Wintersemester 2019/20 ist eine Promotion ebenfalls im
Fachbereich Kunst möglich. 

Mehr Informationen zum Promotionsverfahren finden Sie in der Promotionsordnung des Fachbereichs Kunst

Antrag auf Annahme als Doktorand*in am Fachbereich Kunst

Antrag auf Zulassung zum Promotionsverfahren am Fachbereich Kunst

Downloads des Studentensekretariats


Jeder Abschlussarbeit ist das Archivierungsprotokoll, unterzeichnet von allen Autoren und Erstgutachtern beizulegen.

Die Archivierung der Printform der Abschlussarbeit erfolgt in den Räumen der Hochschulbibliothek. Eine Einsichtnahme ist nur für Hochschulangehörige möglich. Die bibliographischen Angaben der Arbeit werden in den Katalog der Bibliothek aufgenommen.