
Locations and information for visitors
Art campus. Photo: Matthias Ritzmann

Postal address

Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle
P.O. Box 200252
D-06003 Halle (Saale)

Switchboard/Post Room

Neuwerk 7, Villa, ground floor

T +49(0)345  7751-50
F +49(0)345  7751-569

Studieninformation, Dezernat Studentische 
und Akademische Angelegenheiten

Neuwerk 7, Kutscherhaus
T +49(0)345 7751-532
F +49(0)345 7751-517


Neuwerk 7, Villa
T +49(0)345 7751-510
F +49(0)345 7751-509

Public Relations/Press Office

Neuwerk 7, Villa
T +49(0)345 7751-526
F +49(0)345 7751-525

The facilities of Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle are spread across various locations in the city centre:

How to get to Halle (Saale)

by plane

From Halle/Leipzig Airport (platform 2) there are hourly ‘S-Bahn’ trains to Halle (Saale) main station. The journey takes about 15 minutes.

by train and public transport

Arrive by train at Halle (Saale) main station. Information on train connections can be found at The tram connections can be found at; for further directions see the map.

by car From the north (Hamburg):

Take the A7 towards Hannover as far as the Hannover-Ost junction, take the A2 towards Berlin/Magdeburg as far as the Magdeburg junction exit, take the A14 towards Halle/Dresden, take the Halle (Saale)/Peißen exit, take the B100 towards Halle-Zentrum; see map for further directions.

from the east (Dresden):

A4 direction Chemnitz/Leipzig, exit Dreieck Nossen; take the A14 direction Leipzig/Halle/Magdeburg, exit Halle (Saale)/Peißen, take the B100 direction Halle-Zentrum; for further directions see map.

from the south (Nuremberg):

A9 towards Dresden/Berlin, exit Schkeuditzer Kreuz, take the A14 towards Halle/Magdeburg, exit Halle (Saale)/Peißen, take the B100 towards Halle-Zentrum; for further directions see map.

from the west (Cologne/Bonn):

A1 towards Wuppertal-Ost/Dortmund/Exit Kreuz Dortmund/Unna, take the A44 towards Paderborn/Kassel Exit, Dreieck Kassel-Süd, take the A7 towards Kassel/Hannover/Hamburg, Dreieck Drammetal, take the A38 towards Nordhausen/Halle/Leipzig, Dreieck Halle-Süd, take the A143 towards Magdeburg/Halle Exit Halle-Neustadt, take the B80 towards Halle Zentrum; for further directions see map.