Suhyun Kim
Editorial Design, »Your flight has been canceled.«

Suhyun Kim
Editorial Design, »Your flight has been canceled.«
Each city has landmarks that symbolize that city or its country. But now, even if you don't
travel far around the world, you can experience it not far away because of the numerous
replicas. However, there are many questions behind the numerous replicas.
Can authenticity be reproduced?
Is there no original until there is a replica?
Does the copy make the original?
Is bigger better?
Can memories be recreated?
Is there an aura in the internet?
Can one click make you satisfied?
On the website below, you can experience alternatively travel through collection of
replicas of Eiffel tower, Statue of Liberty, Stonehenge, Christ the Redmeer, and Manneken
Pis, and also allows you to compare the various replicas in size, color, and location.
Hope you enjoy your trip to REPLICA!
Crew: Johanna Siebein, Sanna Schiffler