<< Information for international full-time students >>
Due to worldwide travel restrictions, I do not yet know whether I will arrive in Germany in time for the beginning of the winter semester 2020. What should I do?
Teaching will start on October 12, 2020, both digitally and on-site. Please contact the International Office at ed.ellah-grub@lanoitanretni to clarify further details directly.
According to current information from the university, the ban on entry into the European Union for citizens* of third countries does not apply to students if they have a long-term residence permit (visa/residence permit of over 90 days). The university cannot guarantee that the information currently known to it regarding the interpretation of the entry ban will remain valid and/or that it applies to individual cases. It cannot be ruled out that new restrictions on entry will be imposed. Affected students should obtain information BEFORE leaving for Germany from the German mission abroad in their home country or current country of residence. If you have problems with the timely entry, please contact ed.ellah-grub(ta)lanoitanretni
Please note:
1. if you enter from a risk area listed by the Robert Koch Institute, you must prove a negative corona test on entry. This test must not be older than 48 hours at entry and must be available in German or English. Alternatively, you have to go into quarantine for 14 days. A test is partly possible on entry (for example at airports). If you only perform the test on entry, you must remain in quarantine until the result is available. A list of risk areas can be found here: https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Risikogebiete_neu.html
2. all persons entering from abroad (risk area or not) must contact d.ellah-grub@tsop-anoroce before entering the BURG's properties. In these cases the university may only be entered after permission has been granted.
What is the situation for foreign applicants who wish to start studying at the BURG in the winter semester 2021/22?
You are welcome to send us your application. We are currently revising our application process. Whether the aptitude test will take place digitally is not yet certain. You will be able to find information on our website in time. Please check back regularly at: https://www.burg-halle.de/hochschule/studium/studieninteressierte/hochschule-und-bewerbung/
If you have any questions about the application process, please contact ed.ellah-grub(ta)ofniduts
<< Information for exchange students from abroad with planned stay at the BURG in the summer semester 2021 (Incoming)>>
Can I apply for an exchange in summer semester 2021?
Yes, we accept applications. Please apply by 15.11.2020. All relevant information on how to apply can be found here.
Is it possible for exchange students and students from abroad to travel to the 2021 summer semester?
According to the current status, yes. We are happy to receive applications and hope to be able to welcome exchange students. If you have been accepted for an exchange, please contacted.ellah-grub(ta)lanoitanretni in advance to clarify entry regulations. The exact semester planning and which courses will take place in attendance cannot yet be confirmed.
<< BURG students with a planned or started stay abroad in Europe (ERASMUS) in the winter semester 2020/21 (outgoing) >>
I am currently in a semester abroad in Europe with the Erasmus program. What opportunities do I have? What are the implications for my Erasmus scholarship?
There are three options to choose from:
- You can stay on site - as far as the security situation allows it. In this case the scholarship remains unchanged. If the university has to close temporarily and you take advantage of online services but stay in the host country, this will not affect your scholarship. Please note that the university will confirm the entire period of your stay, even if the semester has been interrupted. If the period you spend at the partner university is extended (for example, because the end of the semester is delayed), we will check whether we can increase your scholarship. Please contact ed.ellah-grub@lanoitanretni for this purpose.
- Interruption: You can return to Germany and, if necessary, re-enter the country at a later start of the semester. The scholarship can generally only be granted for the time abroad. If the partner university nevertheless confirms the entire period, for example because you have performed online services, you will receive the full scholarship. This also applies if you still have running costs abroad (e.g. rent). Please clarify with our International-Office viaed.ellah-grub@lanoitanretni what is the best solution in individual cases. In any case, please make use of online courses if they are offered.
- Cancellation: You can postpone your stay to another semester or cancel it completely. In this case, unfortunately, the scholarship for the period not taken up (i.e. a large part) must be refunded. This can be avoided by using an existing online offer of the partner university (see point 2). If you still have running costs abroad (e.g. rent) the full scholarship can also be granted. This must be clarified in individual cases with Bernhard Frank Lange at ed.ellah-grub@lanoitanretni.
The following applies to each of the three options: If, due to the restrictions you had during your studies abroad, you would like to spend the summer semester 2021 at the same partner university in order to take full advantage of the experience, this is understandable. This is subject to the approval of the partner university and your professors at the BURG. If both are given, please contact Bernhard Frank Lange at ed.ellah-grub@lanoitanretni
Do I have to start my planned journey to my exchange country if the current situation on site is critical?
No, you don't have to, and the university does not recommend it at the moment. You can also use the online services of the partner university from Germany and leave at a later date (mixed semester). In this case you will receive the Erasmus scholarship for the period of time you are abroad.
What do I have to do if I do not want to start my stay abroad?
Please contact the International Office immediately at .ed.ellah-grub(ta)lanoitanretni
Is it possible to postpone the semester?
If the partner university and your professor at the BURG agree, a postponement is possible. Please inquire at both offices and then give feedback to Bernhard Frank Lange at ed.ellah-grub@lanoitanretni.
Will my online achievements and e-learnings be recognized?
Yes, if they contribute to the achievement of the performance defined in the Learning Agreement and are shown with credits in the Transcript of Records at the end of the semester. Please contact your partner university and the local lecturers for advice on this. If there are any changes to the agreed fixed achievements (e.g. fewer ECTS credits), please contact your Burg-Professor in order to clarify the recognition. Even if the courses are held from Germany, you can still receive your scholarship in full and do not have to pay anything back. Please make sure that at the end of the semester the partner university issues a certificate of the stay on site and the period of e-learning and that this covers the agreed semester period in total. All in all: We try to find pragmatic solutions in this situation.
<< Burg students with a planned stay abroad outside Europe in the summer semester 2021 >>
Will it be possible to travel to regions outside Europe for the 2021 summer semester?
This is very different for each country and cannot yet be estimated. The entry conditions will depend on the epidemiological situation. If the partner university agrees, please contact them and ask for information on entry. Unfortunately, experience has shown that the exchange can be cancelled at short notice. Please check the website of the German Foreign Office and the Embassy of the destination country in Germany regularly for current entry regulations.
Can I apply for the PROMOS scholarship?
Yes, you can apply for a stay in the summer semester 2021 at the International Office until February 1, 2021. You can find more information at: https://www.burg-halle.de/hochschule/studium/international-office-akademisches-auslandsamt/auslandsstudium/studieren-weltweit/. If you are not able to start your stay abroad, the scholarship must be repaid or is void. If you are already on site and have to terminate your stay, a pro-rata refund will be necessary. For this, an individual case examination is necessary.
What about further plans for stays abroad in the winter semester 2021/22?
As things stand at present, we assume that the 2021/22 winter semester will take place at the partner universities as planned. However, there may still be isolated exceptions. In any case, you can apply until 01.02.2021 for a study abroad stay in the winter semester 2021/22. Please note all application instructions: https://www.burg-halle.de/hochschule/studium/international-office-akademisches-auslandsamt/auslandsstudium/studieren-in-europa-erasmus/