Study programme

Painting / Glass

Part of the 'Diplom' course Painting/Graphics in the Art Faculty


Study specialisations

Cross-material and cross-genre work is common and ranges across the spectrum of painting, sculpture, glass sculpture, installation and other ways of creating and communicating ‘images of an idea’. Themes include the exploration of spaces, buildings or exhibitions: Art and context.


General higher education entrance qualification and artistic aptitude. No previous technical or craft knowledge required. Exceptional cases: In the case of outstanding talent in conjunction with professional experience, the general higher education entrance qualification may be waived.


Diplom degree in Fine Arts

Teaching concept

The starting point for work in this area is the attempt to answer the complex question concerning the individual and societal purpose, the ‘why’ of artistic work, alongside the search for the motivation behind artistic personalities. These are always connected with their means of implementation to form a ‘language’, with the ‘how’ of artistic work. This implementation may be linked with glass as a material, but is also open to other media. Experimental works that also span other materials and genres are the main premises here. This education includes distribution mechanisms and areas of application of art and concentrates on practical experience with the medium of exhibition, artistic confrontation with old and new architecture, and activity in the public domain in the broadest possible sense.

The studios and workshops of the Painting/Glass study programme are located at two sites not far from each other: in the Burg Giebichenstein area and in the Kröllwitzer Straße 2 building (with the option of working outside) as well as in the Hermes building. The workshops offer a well-founded specialised approach to the material glass and aspects of cross-material techniques.


Unterburg Giebichenstein, Pförtnerhaus
Kurvenburg, Kröllwitzer Straße 2, 06120 Halle
Hermes-Gebäude, Hermesstraße 5, 06114 Halle

Glass manufactory Derenburg

There is a cooperation agreement with the “Harzkristall” glass manufactory in Derenburg. This guarantees an annual internship to learn about ‘hotglass’ processes and their artistic realisation.

Klasse Malerei/Glas in der Glasmanufaktur Harzkristall 2024

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Manufakturexkursion in die Glashütte Harzkristall. Studierende realisieren eigene Projekte: Ayaha Tokusa, Clara Rudolf, Coco Martina Brüschweiler, Joshua Raasch, Luise von Cossart, Marie Busse, Marie Witte, Merle Häußler, Mia Sachon, Neo, Sophie Heinisch, Sophia Roggenkamp, Vahdeta Tahirovic /Lehrende: Prof. Natalie Häusler, Felicitas Fäßler, Anja Langer /Edit + Sound: Hannes Greve


General qualification for university entrance, and artistic suitability. No specialist prior technical and craft skills are required. Exceptions: The general qualification for university entrance can be waived in cases of exceptional talent combined with professional experience.

Study Information Day

The university holds a Study Information Day in January every year for applicants. General information on the university is provided, and the various disciplines showcase themselves. You will be able to talk to students and to assistants. The precise date is announced on our website by mid-December at the latest.

Annual exhibition

The traditional summer festival, which includes the annual exhibition, is held every year in July at Burg Giebichenstein. The university opens up its studios, seminar facilities and workshops to all who are curious about the fresh ideas, objects and pieces of art that have been created in the various art and design disciplines at the state of Saxony-Anhalt's art university. You are cordially invited to come along!


  • Office for students and 
    academic affairs
    T +49 (0)345-7751 532
    F +49 (0)345-7751 517
  • degree

  • Diplom degree in Fine Arts
  • Start of study

  • Winter semester, new students 
    per year: 2-6

  • Basic study programme: 4 semesters,
    Main study programme: 6 semesters (including diploma thesis)
    Diploma thesis: written and practical work, diploma colloquium
  • tuition

  • tuition-free
  • Application

  • Information for prospective students