Prof. Dr. Pablo Abend, Vertretungsprofessor für Designwissenschaften/ Design Studies,
Campus Design, Villa-Anbau, R. 004, T +49 (0)345 7751-880,

Prof. Dr. Pablo Abend, Vertretungsprofessor für Designwissenschaften/ Design Studies,
Campus Design, Villa-Anbau, R. 004, T +49 (0)345 7751-880,
The field of Design Theory is one of three areas within the Design Sciences at BURG Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle. Design Theory addresses the full spectrum of questions and challenges that arise from design practice while also conveying knowledge in intellectual history, cultural studies, everyday aesthetics, as well as media theory and practice. It engages with both design processes and the analysis of designed objects and their societal impact.
At an art university, theory cannot exist as a sphere detached from practice. Design Theory is therefore a dynamic and ever-evolving discipline that must respond to shifting societal, technological, and cultural conditions through application-oriented theoretical development. It involves much more than merely reflecting on design practice: Design Theory views design as a culture-producing activity and examines the interactions between designed artifacts, their users, and the social structures in which they are embedded. It raises questions about the social responsibility of designers, explores historical and contemporary design discourses, and engages with the political, ecological, and ethical dimensions of design.
An interdisciplinary approach is essential in order to develop new responses to complex questions. Topics such as sustainable and socially responsible design, postcolonial perspectives, and the impact of digitalization on design and society play a central role. Theory and practice are closely interconnected: The close relationship to design practice continuously opens up opportunities for practice-oriented theoretical development and for a theory-generating approach that not only questions existing concepts but also introduces new ways of thinking.
The teaching program in Design Theory includes foundational, advanced, and specialized modules within the design-related Bachelor’s and Master’s programs, as well as within the Master’s program in Design Studies. This ensures that students across all disciplines at BURG benefit from in-depth scholarly reflection.
With its cultural studies perspective, critical analysis, and interdisciplinary approach, Design Theory contributes to understanding design not only as a creative practice but also as a socially impactful discipline. In times of ecological, social, and technological transformations, such a multi-perspective approach is becoming increasingly important—because design is never merely an end in itself, but always a means of shaping possible futures.