Prof. Dr. Pablo Abend

Professor für Designtheorie

In the summer semester of 2022, I was appointed Professor of Design Theory. From 2023 to 2024, I served as an Ander Visiting Professor in Geomedia Studies at Karlstad University in Sweden.

My research focuses on the history, aesthetics, and pragmatics of designed artifacts, media practices, and the everyday as well as societal impacts of design. In my teaching at BURG, I encourage students to critically question their own actions and the role of design time and again. Additionally, I aim to expand the existing theoretical design education by incorporating the exploration of design-based research methods.

After completing my high school diploma, I studied Media Studies at the University of Siegen. Following my studies, I began my doctoral project titled "The Earth as an Interface" as a scholarship holder at the graduate school Locating Media/Situated Media in Siegen. The historical part of this work traced the digital media transformation of geographic media. In the empirical, theory-generating part, I examined the use of digital globes, employing qualitative and media-ethnographic methods as well as computer-assisted analyses. After successfully completing my PhD in Media Studies, my dissertation was published in 2013 under the title Geobrowsing by transcript Verlag, Bielefeld.

After my position at the graduate school ended, I gained extensive teaching experience at the Institute for Media Culture and Theater at the University of Cologne. As a lecturer with special responsibilities, I taught 13 semester hours per week, offering courses in media theory, aesthetics, and analysis, ranging from introductory classes to advanced seminars, intensive reading courses, and research-oriented practical exercises.

After securing a project grant together with Benjamin Beil, Professor of Media Studies with a focus on Digital Culture, I spent two years as a postdoctoral researcher investigating participatory design practices of amateurs in digital gaming culture (DFG project "Modding and Editor Games").

In October 2016, I returned to the University of Siegen, where I coordinated the DFG-funded graduate school Locating Media until my appointment at BURG.

I have published numerous articles and given talks at international conferences. As a journal editor, I oversaw Navigationen. Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturwissenschaften as well as the international journal Digital Culture and Society.

Lehrangebote Wintersemester 2024/25