Rectorate and committees

Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle


The Senate is the central collegial body of the university's self-administration. It decides on interdisciplinary matters, on research matters of fundamental importance, on the university development plan and the range of study programmes, on appointments and the awarding of academic degrees. It decides on the statutes and regulations of the university.

The members of the Senate are elected for four years at a time. The members of the artistic and academic staff in accordance with Section 60 No. 2 are each elected for two years and the students in accordance with Section 60 No. 3 are each elected for one year.

With the exception of personnel matters, the meetings of the Senate are held in public.


Prof. Bettina Erzgräber, Rector

Representatives of the university professors’ group:

Prof. Tilo Baumgärtel, Prof. Dr. Veronica Biermann, Prof. Dr. Sara Burkhardt, Prof. Philipp Gaißer, Prof. Mareike Gast, Prof. Matthias Görlich, Prof. Jonas Hansen, Prof. Klaus Michel, Prof. Axel Müller-Schöll, Prof. Martin Neubert, Prof. Lars Paschke, Prof. Bruno Raetsch, Prof. Rita Rentzsch, Prof. Anette Scholz

Representatives of mid-level teaching staff:

Michaela Anzer, Sarah Kaiser, Hans-Jörg Pochmann, Ina Turinsky

Representatives of the other staff members’ group:

Katharina Kuhn, Claudia Pulcini

Representatives of the students’ group:

Lea Argirov, Vincent Jäckel, Andrew Moussa, Raymond Francis Sandy

Equality officer:

Prof. Evelyn Sitter

Advisory member:

Linda Baasch (Chancellor)

Advisory attendees:

Representative of the Students’ Council: Vincent Jäckel; Commissioner for the Disabled: Heike Becker

Notices from the Senate

Advisory Council for Archive and Collection

  • Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Veronica Biermann
  • Prof. Dr. Pablo Abend, Prof. Dr. Nike Bätzner, Prof. Dr. Sara Burkhardt, Prof. Martin Neubert, Prof. Vincenz Warnke, Deputy: Prof. Bruno Raetsch
  • Additional member: Linda Baasch (Chancellor)
  • Permanent guest: Katharina Loos (Library manager)

Library Commission

  • Chairperson: Heike Hertwig
  • Prof. Pablo Abend, Prof. Dr. Veronica Biermann, Prof. Sabine Golde, Dr. Ana Hupe, Henrike Schmitz
  • Representatives of the students’ group: Louisa Engel, Zoë Mauritz
  • Permanent guest: Katharina Loos (Library manager), Judith Schenkluhn (on behalf of the rectorate)

Graduate Commission

  • Chairperson: Prof. Tilo Baumgärtel
  • Representatives of the university professors’ group: Prof. Nathalie Häusler, Prof. Tobias Hantmann, Prof. Stephanie Kiwitt, Prof. Michaela Schweiger, Prof. Vincenz Warnke
  • Representatives of mid-level teaching staff: Laura Link, Judith Hanke
  • Equality Officer: Prof. Evelyn Sitter
  • Permanent guest: Teresa Falkenhagen


  • Chairperson: Prof. Anette Scholz
  • Representatives of the Design faculty: Prof. Matthias Görlich, Prof. Jonas Hansen, Prof. Anette Scholz, Prof. Andrea Tinnes
  • Representatives of the Art faculty: Prof. Michael Jäger, Prof. Paul McDevitt
  • Representatives of the other staff members’ group: Michael Spindler
  • Representatives of the students’ group: Wiebke Lendewig, Janis Strobl
  • Press Office: Brigitte Beiling (Head of PR), Heidi Ballhausen (Web editor)

Ombudsfrau zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis und zum Umgang mit Vorwürfen wissenschaftlichen und künstlerischen Fehlverhaltens

Commission for Protection against Discrimination

  • Prof. Karsten Födinger, Art Faculty
  • Claudia Kokot, Representative of the Administration
  • Agnes Wrobel, Deputy of the other employees
  • Prof. Martin Neubert, Representative of the Art Faculty
  • Prof. Rita Rentzsch, Deputy of the Design Faculty
  • Prof. Andrea Tinnes, Representative of the Design Faculty
  • Trami Nguyen, (student member, Art Faculty)
  • Andrew Moussa, (student member, Design Faculty)

You can find further information on the pages of the Commission for Protection against Discrimination here.

Members of the Curatorial Board

  • Chair person: Prof. Jan Teunen, Inhaber der Teunen Konzepte GmbH in Geisenheim

other members:

  • Christoph Böninger, Designer und Mitbegründer der AUERBERG Produkte Fischbachau
  • Prof. Dr. Annegret Laabs, Leiterin der Kunstmuseums Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen Magdeburg
  • Dr. phil. h.c. Ingrid Mössinger, ehemalige Direktorin der Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz, Vorsitzende des Kuratoriums
  • Jórunn Ragnarsdóttir, Architektin und Geschäftsführende Gesellschafterin LRO Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei GmbH & Co. KG

Tasks of the Curatorial Board

Das Curatorial Board advises and supports the university in all important matters. The Curatorial Board’s responsibilities also include aiding the development of the university’s profile, capabilities and competitiveness, and supporting the university in the public domain.

Representatives of the group of university teachers

  • Prof. Dr. Sara Burkhardt (Vorsitz)
  • Prof. Martin Neubert
  • Prof. Paul McDevitt
  • Prof. Caroline Achaintre
  • Prof. Rolf Wicker
  • Prof. Philip Gaißer
  • Prof. Julia Kröpelin

Representatives of the mid-level group

  • Laura Link
  • Nele Hendrijke Sandner

Representatives of the Other Employees group

  • Sylvia Müller

Representatives of the student group

  • Theo Dose
  • Vincenz Heigenhuber

Equality officer of the art faculty

  • Carolina Pérez Pallares

Representatives of the group of university teachers

  • Prof. Klaus Michel (Dekan)
  • Prof. Dr. Pablo Abend
  • Prof. Jonas Hansen
  • Prof. Lars Paschke
  • Prof. Rita Rentzsch
  • Prof. Anette Scholz
  • Prof. Laura Straßer

Representatives of the mid-level group

  • Henrike Schmitz
  • Andreas Wagner

Representatives of the Other Employees group

  • Kathrin Schröter

Representatives of the student group

  • Jiwon Lee
  • Malin Trepel

Equality officer of the design faculty

  • Mara Recklies