MAKE. invites curious students to (re)discover the qualities of beeswax.
Beeswax is a natural wax produced in the bee hive of honey bees. Due to inventions such as the light bulb and synthetic alternatives (Paraffin), beeswax has become a byproduct which receives little attention. We invite you to experiment with beeswax by casting, dip molding, ironing, embossing, screen printing, etc. getting to know its characteristics, (re)discover its qualities, and maybe find new or unconsidered applications for beeswax.
Material Distribution
MAKE. makes beeswax freely available for all BURG students as long as our stock lasts. Please check for more information and material distribution date.
„Material of the Month“ is a special series where MAKE. provides a suggested or selected material for student projects. The presented material is freely available for all BURG students as long as our stock lasts. The only condition for participation is to provide documentation, so we can share the ideas and experiments that have been done with the sponsored material.