Study course

Industrial Design


Tätigkeitsfelder für Industrial Designer umfassen heute eine große Bandbreite: von der Entwicklung realer Produkte bis zur Gestaltung von Prozessen, Interaktionen und Programmen. Dies kann sich in der Konzeption von Handlungs- und Kommunikationsstrategien oder Dienstleistungen ebenso äußern wie in der Gestaltung von physischen oder digitalen Produkten. Design als »Methode der Intervention« und »Werkzeug für Innovation« berücksichtigt in der Forschung und Lehre eines universitären Masterstudiengangs die neuesten technologischen Entwicklungen ebenso wie die Erkenntnisse der Wissenschaften vom Menschen in seiner natürlichen und sozialen Umwelt.


Das projektorientierte Masterstudium trainiert die Studierenden in der methodischen Planung und Durchführung von transdisziplinären Gestaltungsprozessen sowie in der hierfür erforderlichen Team- und Kommunikationskompetenz. Die Wahlmöglichkeit verschiedener – auch studiengangsübergreifender – Projektangebote bietet die Möglichkeit zur Vertiefung individueller Positionen. Das Studienziel, nachgewiesen in der Masterthesis, ist eine hohe und originäre Konzept- und Entwurfskompetenz; die Fähigkeit, integrierte und ganzheitliche Gestaltungsstrategien zu entwickeln – in kritischer Reflexion mit gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen, mit wissenschaftlichen und technologischen, mit ökonomischen und ökologischen Bedingungen und Optionen der jeweiligen Aufgabe. Damit bereitet der Masterstudiengang Industrial Design die Absolventen auf vielfältige Handlungsfelder vor und schafft optimale Voraussetzungen für freiberufliche Entwurfs- und Beratungstätigkeit ebenso wie für die Übernahme verantwortungsvoller Aufgaben in Unternehmen und Institutionen.  Kooperationen mit anderen Hochschulen, Forschungseinrichtungen und Partnern aus Kultur und Wirtschaft ergänzen das Studienprogramm.

Teaching concept

Master’s students can select their semester projects from a range of options offered in the course. They work here with students from the final semesters in the bachelor’s programme on problems in the same areas; the master’s students, however, have tasks with a different focus. Master’s students may also suggest their own project topics in consultation with their professors.

Ausgewählte Lehrangebote

Aim of the course

A wide spectrum of areas of practice are open to industrial designers today: from the development of real products to the design of processes, interactions and programmes. This activity could be in the conceptual design of plans of action, communications strategies or services, or in the design of physical or digital products. The aim of the course – as demonstrated by the master’s thesis – is the attainment of a high degree of skill and originality in conception and design along with the ability to develop holistic, integrated design strategies, combined with critical reflection on the societal, cultural, scientific, technological, economic and ecological conditions and choices that apply to the design task in question.

Teaching content

In research and teaching as part of a university master’s course, design as a “method of interventon” and a “tool for innovation” takes into account the latest technological developments as well as scientific knowledge about humans in their natural and social surroundings. The project-oriented master’s course trains students in the methodical planning and implementation of cross-disciplinary design processes and in the team and communications skills required here. The ability to select from among various projects – including cross-course projects – offers students an opportunity for detailed development of individual standpoints. Cooperations with other universities, research bodies and partners from industry and the arts round off this course of study.

Standard duration of course

The duration of the master’s course is dependent on its type and contents and also on the duration of the preceding completed course or the ECTS points achieved in the preceding course; the duration is generally between two and four semesters.

Course of study

In the final semester, students work on a master’s thesis on an individual design topic. The preceding semesters focus on project studies, which can be supplemented by diverse course elements from module areas in design studies or related subjects.  


The master’s courses are aimed at graduates with a bachelor’s or a ‘Diplom’ degree with an artistic/design emphasis. However, interested graduates of other disciplines who have relevant qualifications may also be admitted to a master’s course after taking the course-specific entrance test.

Occupational field

The Industrial Design master’s course prepares graduates for a variety of areas of activity and provides ideal prerequisites for starting a freelance design and consultancy career or for carrying out important tasks with significant levels of responsibility in companies or other institutions.


Master of Arts (M.A.)

Brief information

  • Subject-specific project
  • Development of individual profile
  • Work on the student’s own design projects or selection from a range of options
  • Supplemented by course elements in theoretical elements and art and design studies
  • Duration: Two, three or four semesters
  • Degree awarded after one-semester master’s thesis


General qualification for university entrance, and artistic suitability. No specialist prior technical and craft skills are required. Exceptions: The general qualification for university entrance can be waived in cases of exceptional talent combined with professional experience.

Study Information Day

The university holds a Study Information Day in January every year for applicants. General information on the university is provided, and the various disciplines showcase themselves. You will be able to talk to students and to assistants. The precise date is announced on our website by mid-December at the latest.

Annual exhibition

The traditional summer festival, which includes the annual exhibition, is held every year in July at Burg Giebichenstein. The university opens up its studios, seminar facilities and workshops to all who are curious about the fresh ideas, objects and pieces of art that have been created in the various art and design disciplines at the state of Saxony-Anhalt's art university. You are cordially invited to come along!

Contact person at the university

Office for Student and Academic Affairs
Monika Müller
T +49 (0)345-7751 532
F +49 (0)345-7751 517
E-Mail: ed.ellah-grub@ofniduts


  • kontakt

  • Neuwerk 7
    06108 Halle (Saale)
  • Ansprechpartner*innen Hochschule

  • Dezernat studentische und akademische Angelegenheiten
    T +49 (0)345 7751-532
    F +49 (0)345 7751-517
  • Regelstudienzeit

  • 2 bis 4 Semester, Masterthesis im letzten Semester
  • Kosten

  • Keine Studiengebühren
  • Bewerbung

  • Online-Anmeldung zur Masterbewerbung ist vom 1.April bis 15.Mai für das folgende Wintersemester möglich.