Gustav Weidanz Foundation

In diesem Jahr wird der traditionsreiche Gustav-Weidanz-Preis zum 23. Mal ausgeschrieben. Die Auszeichnung gehört zu einem der wenigen Nachwuchsförderpreise Deutschlands, die ausschließlich der Bildhauerkunst vorbehalten sind. Bewerben können sich Bildhauer*innen mit Wohnsitz in Deutschland bis 35 Jahre. Bewerbungsschluss ist der 30. April 2025 ...mehr

Die Preisträger*innen


The next annoucement for the Gustav Weidanz Award is planned for 2012.

Gustav Weidanz
Der Bildhauer Gustav Weidanz, Fotograf*in unbekannt, Foto: Archiv der Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle

Gustav Weidanz, 1889 – 1970

  • 1889 Born on 9 December in Hamburg
  • 1905–1908 Training as metalworker and metal sculptor, takes evening courses at the Craft School in Hamburg
  • 1908–1910 Attends the State Craft School in Hamburg, Sculpture department, under Richard Luksch
  • 1910–1911 Travels throughout Germany and the Netherlands
  • 1911 Moves to Berlin; Works under Franz Metzner and Ignatine Taschner on sculpture objects
  • 1911–1916 Attends the school of the Royal Craft Museum in Berlin, specialising in decorative sculpture under Joseph Wackerle; works with the architect John Martens on building ceramics
  • From 1916 Head of the newly founded sculpture class at the Craft School in Halle an der Saale.
  • From 1920 Establishes and heads the ceramics workshop at the Art and Craft School in Halle; Awarded the title of professor
  • From 1925 Head of the ‘Tile Ceramics’ class, Head of the sculpture workshop
  • 1933 Closure of the design class for sculpture and resumes as head of the Ceramics department and of the porcelain workshop
  • 1934 Apprenticeship for ‘Oven ceramics and porcelain’, teaches drawing, nude drawing and study of natural forms
  • 1942 Re-opening of sculpture class
  • 1958 Emeritus professor, extension of position for one year
  • 1959 Leaves Burg Giebichenstein at the end of the summer semester; Continues to be very active as a sculptor
  • 1970 Dies on 25 August in Halle

Articles of the foundation (excerpt)

This foundation is called the Gustav Weidanz Foundation. It is a foundation with no legal capacity that is administered by Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle. The foundation was established on the basis of the will of Professor Gustav Weidanz, dated 1 May 1964, according to which he left his estate to Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle.

The aim of the foundation is to support young sculptors in the Federal Republic of Germany. The foundation’s aim is to be achieved by the granting of the Gustav Weidanz Award to young sculptors who are not older than 35 and who have their permanent residence in the Federal Republic of Germany.

The foundation serves purposes that are subject to preferential tax treatment as per §§ 51 ff of the German Fiscal Code (Abgabenordnung). It solely and directly pursues purposes that are for the common good, with no self-interest. It may not pursue its own economic interests. The foundation’s funds may only be used for the purposes defined in the articles. No person may benefit from financial support that is not in accordance with the foundation’s aims or from unreasonably high remuneration.

The Curatorial Board is the only committee within the foundation. It decides upon the allocation of funding from the foundation and on the nomination of the award-winner. The Curatorial Board consists of the members of the Rectorate of Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle, the Director of the Staatliche Galerie Moritzburg Halle and a sculpture professor at Burg Giebichenstein. The first two members in this list are ex officio members of the Curatorial Board, while the latter is a co-opted member who is appointed by the ex officio members for a single award-nomination process.

The Rector of Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle is the chairperson of the Curatorial Board.

The curators perform their duties on a voluntary basis.

Halle, 19 June 2002

About the Gustav Weidanz Award

About the Gustav Weidanz Award
Eds. Angela Dolgner and Anne Pollak for the Society of Friends and Partners of the University, Halle 1996

Angela Dolgner
Der Gustav-Weidanz-Preis im deutschen „Preisgefüge“ [The Gustav Weidanz Award in the German “award landscape”] In: Kulturreport. Quarterly magazine of the Mitteldeutscher Kulturrat, Issue 10, June 1997, p. 17-19

About Gustav Weidanz

Der Bildhauer Gustav Weidanz [The sculptor Gustav Weidanz]
Exhibition of sculptures, medals and graphics on the occasion of his 65th birthday, exhibition catalogue, Staatliche Galerie Moritzburg Halle, Halle 1954

Harry Kieser: Gustav Weidanz
Published by the Institut für angewandte Kunst, no publishing location given, 1956

Gustav Weidanz. Ausstellungen zum 80. Geburtstag [Exhibitions on his 80th birthday]Published by the Staatliche Galerie Moritzburg Halle, Staatliches Museum Schloß Mosigkau, Halle/S., 1969

Der Bildhauer Gustav Weidanz 1889–1970. Ausstellung aus Anlaß des 100. Geburtstages [The sculptor Gustav Weidanz 1889–1970. Exhibition to mark the 100th anniversary of his birth]
Published by the Akademie der Künste der DDR, Hochschule für industrielle Formgestaltung Halle - Burg Giebichenstein, Staatliche Galerie Moritzburg Halle, Halle/S., 1989 (with an extensive bibliography)

Renate Luckner-Bien: Gustav Weidanz
Published by the Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle in association with Kunstmuseum Moritzburg Halle (Saale), Halle (Saale) 2022