Study programme

Product Design / Ceramics and Glass

Part of the study course Industrial Design in the Design Faculty

The Product Design /Ceramic and Glass Design course at BURG offers a unique Bachelor degree in porcelain, ceramics and glass, combining creative innovation, experimental use of materials and technical and craft expertise.

Eating and nutritional culture as well as home and living culture, in their socially formative significance and their continuous change, play a central role in the content of the programme. Students work in excel- lently equipped studios, the degree programme’s own workshops for plaster and porcelain and in partner glassworks. Excursions and cooperation with industry characterise the practice-oriented course.

Focuses of this course of study

Designing product cultures to add value
The study course offers practice-oriented, interdisciplinary and individually tailored training in small groups.

A particular focus lies on the promotion of aesthetic design awareness, methodical shaping and the systematic development of a three-dimensional design practice, which are specifically promoted and methodically tested, especially in the 2nd year of study.

Studying Product Design/ Ceramic and Glass Design means desig- ning and simulating scenarios and offers as well as skilfully combining creative innovation with technical and craftmanship expertise with a strong focus on the key materials. The prototypical realisation results in speculative artefacts or applied product ideas.

We understand the cultural significance, value and materiality of the key materials as an opportunity to find answers to questions about a sustainable and value-adding approach to the products around us and
a sensual reduction in the use of materials.

The degree course maintains close partnerships with leading companies and institutions in the porcelain, ceramics and glass industries. This gives students access to real projects, internships and contacts in the industry.

Students in the Product Design/ Ceramic and Glass Design programme are prepared for their future field of work during their studies through experimental and product-related design projects. Graduates work in design offices, agencies and companies or are self-employed as studio designers and design the world of tomorrow.

Course structure

Standard period of Bachelor study: 8 semesters
A special feature at BURG is the well-founded, interdisciplinary basic studies. In the first two semesters, you will study the creative and artistic basics together with students from Fashion, Communication and Textile Design as well as Industrial Design, Design of Playing and Learning, Inter- ior Architecture and Multimedia Design.
From the second year onwards, you will study Product Design /Ceramic and Glass Design in specific design projects on various topics. From the 5th semester onwards, you will study together with students from higher semesters in mixed projects.
In addition, lectures introduce you to design theory, the history of art, design and architecture, the psychology of design as well as philosophy and aesthetics. In seminars you will deepen your knowledge of business start-ups, business management and copyright.
The bachelor thesis consists of a design-practical and a written part and concludes your studies.
The 8-semester course begins in the winter semes- ter. The admission test is held every year in March. The BURG also offers an advanced Master’s course in Product Design and Design of Porcelain, Ceramics and Glass.


General qualification for university entrance, and artistic suitability. Three- Six-month pre-university practical experience period in a relevant area as a minimum. Exceptions: The general qualification for university entrance can be waived in cases of exceptional talent combined with professional experience.


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


In addition to the general qualification for university entrance and demonstration of artistic suitability, the following subject-specific admission requirements have to be fulfilled for the Design of Playing and Learning discipline: Six-month pre-study internship in woodwork, metalwork or plastics processing, in graphics, design, model-building; craft or commercial vocational training with similar duties can also be recognised as a pre-university practical experience period. Knowledge and experience in social or pedagogical work would also be advantageous. Exceptions: Proof of the general qualification for university entrance can be waived in cases of exceptional talent combined with practical experience. 

Study Information Day

The university holds a Study Information Day in January every year for applicants. General information on the university is provided, and the various disciplines showcase themselves. You will be able to talk to students and to assistants. The precise date is announced on our website by mid-December at the latest.

Annual exhibition

The traditional summer festival, which includes the annual exhibition, is held every year in July at Burg Giebichenstein. The university opens up its studios, seminar facilities and workshops to all who are curious about the fresh ideas, objects and pieces of art that have been created in the various art and design disciplines at the state of Saxony-Anhalt's art university. You are cordially invited to come along!

  • contact study course

  • Prof. Laura Straßer
    Professor for Product Design 
    and Design of Porcelain, 
    Ceramics and Glass
    +49 (0)345 7751-820

    Larissa Siemon
    Artistic assistant
    Neuwerk 7
    06108 Halle (Saale)
    +49 (0)345 775-182
  • Degree

  • Bachelor of Arts

  • Winter semester, new students per year: 4-8
  • Regelstudienzeit

  • 8 semesters, B.A. – Final thesis in the 8th semester
  • tuition

  • tuition-free
  • application

  • Information for prospective students


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Gestaltung und Konzept: Larissa Siemon