Study course

Multimedia|Virtual Reality Design

Bachelor's study course in the Design Faculty

For creative minds with a passion for the digital

On the Multimedia|VR Design degree programme, you immerse yourself in the fascinating interfaces between creativity, design, technology and society. You will learn to conceptualise, design and develop complex digital applications and become a designer of media experiences.

During your studies, you learn to develop creative formats and solutions, experiment with the latest technologies, learn to reflect on your ideas and categorise them in a wider context. All of this happens in the inspiring environment of the BURG - one of the largest and most renowned art academies in Germany.


Talent, design and technology

Creativity and design skills are the keys to exceptional projects. It is therefore not important whether you already have experience with computer programmes for layout or 3D, for example, or experience in programming. All the necessary skills are taught in a practical way during the programme. However, you should enjoy working with computers.


Become a pioneer of the digital future

After graduating, you will be ideally equipped for exciting careers in the fields of communication and media, exhibitions and events, product development, computer games, education and science - as a freelancer, employee or entrepreneur.

Fields of study

Multimedia productions and installations
Create impressive experiences.

Digital products and services
Develop solutions that enrich people's lives.

Interactive multimedia applications
Design user interfaces that inspire and are intuitive.

Motion design and computer animation
Bring your ideas to life.

Game and character design
Create fascinating worlds and characters that come to life in games.

Visualisation and simulation
Transform complex data into appealing visual formats.

Generative design and data visualisation
Use algorithms and data to find new forms of creative expression.

Virtual and augmented reality
Design immersive worlds in VR, AR or mixed reality

Aim of the course

At our art academy, you can expect a special learning format based on university principles and geared towards discovering and expressing your individual strengths and goals. The aim is to enable you to tackle creative challenges with confidence and flexibility and to successfully realise and communicate your ideas.


Teaching content

The Multimedia|Virtual Reality Design course teaches basic artistic and creative skills. The focus is on interdisciplinary work on projects. The programme is supplemented by courses from the fields of media studies, natural sciences and humanities. Students develop multimedia, interactive products, design ideas and visions, create variants and build functional prototypes.



General higher education entrance qualification. 
In the case of outstanding artistic talent, the general higher education entrance qualification may be waived.

Passing the BURG entrance examination.

Two-month internship in an agency or similar (e.g. advertising, media, culture) or corresponding department of a company. Alternatively, completed vocational training in the print or media sector (does not apply to school-based training programmes).


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Im Studiengang erwartet die Studierenden ein besonderes Lernformat, das auf universitären Prinzipien basiert und auf individuelle Stärken und Ziele ausgerichtet ist. Dabei steht im Vordergrund, das einzigartige Talent und die persönliche Ausdrucksweise jedes Einzelnen zu erkennen und weiterzuentwickeln. Ziel ist es, die Studierenden zu befähigen, gestalterische Herausforderungen selbstbewusst, zielorientiert und flexibel anzugehen sowie ihre Ideen erfolgreich umzusetzen und überzeugend zu kommunizieren.


Im Zentrum der ersten beiden Semester stehen die gestalterischen und künstlerischen Grundlagen. Sie befassen sich mit den allgemeinen Phänomenen der Gestaltung. Dazu kommt die Vermittlung von Basiswissen in designrelevanten Wissenschaften. Hier werden die Studierenden aller Design-Studiengänge gemeinsam unterrichtet. Darüber hinaus wird multimedia-spezifisches Grundlagenwissen in Form von Seminaren und kleineren Projekten vermittelt.

Im dritten und vierten Semester wird im Rahmen von Seminaren und ersten komplexen Projekten weiteres multimedia-spezifisches Grundlagenwissen vermittelt. Die Vertiefung der gestalterischen und künstlerischen Grundlagen und weiterer designrelevanter Wissen-schaften runden das zweite Studienjahr ab.

Das fünfte bis siebende Semester wird jeweils durch das fachspezifische „Komplexe Gestalten“ dominiert. Zur Wahl stehen Projekte zu einem Thema, wie zum Beispiel „Visualisierung von Beziehungen“ oder „Wissen gestalten“. Die Form des Ergebnisses (Medium bzw. Anwendungsfeld) ist frei. Parallel werden fachspezifisches und designrelevantes Wissen vertieft. 

Im achten Semester wird das Abschlussprojekt bearbeitet und die Bachelor-Abschlussarbeit verfasst. 


8 Semester


Keine Studiengebühren


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)



Studienanfänger*innen pro Jahr

18 - 22 Studierende

Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen

Link zu den studienrelevanten Rechtsgrundlagen

Several project and seminar rooms with and without PC workstations enable concentrated work and good communication between students.  

Several HTC Vive, MS Hololens, MS Kinect, Samsung Gear VR, 4k monitors, interactive large-format touchscreens, 3D projection, Arduino and various input devices, such as LeapMotion, Myo or Sphero, are available for experimental work with technologies and the development of ideas and prototypes.

An electronics workshop as well as audio, video, photo and other VR technology complete the equipment.  

The computer pools, which are equipped with professional and up-to-date software, are also used intensively for software courses and project work.

The study rooms and computer pools are accessible around the clock. 

Subject-specific admission requirements

In addition to the general qualification for university entrance and demonstration of artistic suitability, the following subject-specific admission requirements have to be fulfilled for the Multimedia|Virtual Reality Design course: Basic skills in image processing, DTP and web design. Two-month pre-university practical experience period in an advertising agency, PR agency or in the corresponding department in a company, or completed vocational training in the print or media sectors. Exceptions: The general qualification for university entrance can be waived in cases of exceptional talent combined with professional experience.

Study Information Day

The university holds a Study Information Day in January every year for applicants. General information on the university is provided, and the various disciplines showcase themselves. You will be able to talk to students and to assistants. The precise date is announced on our website by mid-December at the latest.

Annual exhibition

The traditional summer festival, which includes the annual exhibition, is held every year in July at Burg Giebichenstein. The university opens up its studios, seminar facilities and workshops to all who are curious about the fresh ideas, objects and pieces of art that have been created in the various art and design disciplines at the state of Saxony-Anhalt's art university. You are cordially invited to come along!

Online study information and portfolio counselling

Once a month, an information event about the study course takes place online, giving interested parties a comprehensive insight into the course content, requirements and career prospects. The event also includes a portfolio counselling session where applicants can present their work samples and receive valuable feedback on their portfolio design and application. The relevant dates can be found under the heading “News”.

Study Information Day

The university holds a Study Information Day in January every year for applicants. General information on the university is provided, and the various disciplines showcase themselves. You will be able to talk to students and to assistants. The precise date is announced on our website by mid-December at the latest.

Annual exhibition

The traditional summer festival, which includes the annual exhibition, is held every year in July at Burg Giebichenstein. The university opens up its studios, seminar facilities and workshops to all who are curious about the fresh ideas, objects and pieces of art that have been created in the various art and design disciplines at the state of Saxony-Anhalt's art university. You are cordially invited to come along!


Ich bin Leonie Porsche und studiere im 4. Studienjahr an der BURG im Studiengang Multimedia|VR-Design. Als Studienbotschafterin beantworte ich dir deine Fragen gerne direkt. Wenn du wissen möchtest, was das Multimedia|VR-Design Studium in Halle auszeichnet, warum ich an der BURG studiere oder wie es sich in Halle leben lässt, schreib mir einfach eine Mail: ed.ellah-grub@3306ts.